Contemporary Fighter
Acrylic on Canvas; 100x70cm
In the Contemporary Fighter the Artist represents a young african woman dressed only with boxing gloves and standing in a semi-frontal position in front of the spectator. Challenging eyes and the serious face expression let perceive the fighter is ready to face the adversity; is she in an attack or a defense attitude? The Artist rather meant to represent a pragmatic standing-by position suspended between two moods: a concious and cold wait opposed to the passionate momentum towards the action. The right eye – mainly painted in violet and black – stands straight in front of the reality. The left one – depict in red and black – longs to change it. The symbolic meaning of the Work refers to the social theme of the new protagonism of the women in the modern society: aware of her potentialities and ready to show it, no matter how!! The core descriptive elements of the Painting are the double expression of the eyes, the warm chromaticism and the refine artistic technique giving the figure a proactive dynamism. The Work certainly presents a remarkable artistic identity.